Tuesday 27 October 2015

Quantity vs quality

In the last couple of days I've had a meeting with our newly appointed Digital Learning leads. A great discussion - we talked about where technology enhanced learning is going, what the coverage is like across our different departments, what barriers there are in adopting TEL, and what the future looks like. We also touched on what makes a Learning Technologist - how are they different from an IT technician. It's very clear to us, but not so clear in departments, where IT support staff are being rebranded as learning technologists, when they have no experience in learning, just the technology. It's important that LTs understand the pedagogy - it's how technology can be used to enhance learning which is important, not just the technology itself.

I also met the Vice-Chancellor for a regular catch up where we discussed a Digital Strategy for the University.

Following that I went to our UEB/HoDS forum where our Executive Board and heads of department meet to discuss different topics. This time we were looking at student recruitment. In particular, what was more important, quantity or quality. Should we take more students, no matter what grades they have, or take only the higher graded students to keep our tarif score up. After a couple of presentations we had a lively discussion on the tables - I'm not sure we came to a conclusive answer though!

Finally today I had a meeting with an IT Director from another Institution. Newly appointed she was keen to catch up with what's happening in the sector, and it was a very useful exchange of ideas.

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