Tuesday 9 July 2013

Lightening rounds

Great set of lightning rounds this morning at Activate conference, all using Pecha Kucha, 20 slides, 20 secs each. They were founders of tech start ups, and this is a flavour of them.

Raspberry Pi. Made to get young people into programming. Toolkit for experimentation and computational thinking. Enabled a 13year old to send marshmallows into space, to see how they expanded and used a grape as a control :-) Is a version of Minecraft available with the tag line Why dig when you can code.

Therefore, product design consultants. Invented the Gravity light. Alternative to kerosene. Lifts a weight which then slowly falls to ground and powers a light for 3 hours. Funding raised on crowd funding campaign site. Relied heavily on influencers, and raised $300,000 after being tweeted by Bill Gates.

Founder of crowd funding website, Indiegogo. Largest global crowd funding system. No gatekeepers. No judgement, no applications. Merit based, so higher the gogo factor, the higher you get promoted on the site. Lot of investment in trust and safety. Also, have to allow failure. Improves equlaity, 47% of campaigns run by women.

Then two presentations by Tech talent day winners which was yesterday.

First from Peerby founder. Borrow the things you need from people in your neighbourhood in minutes.
Find things you need but don't need to buy, like lawnmowers, or chocolate fountains. All free, but revenue generated by insurance.
Came to London last week. Fantastic idea. Would love it to come to Sheffield.

Radar. Trains and mentors citizen reporters from underdeveloped areas. Based on SMS news alerts from mobiles, no need for Internet. Operates as a news agency using professional journalists who do the editing etc. Using free software currently including google, ushahidi and Tumblr. Now developing an app for the content. Some great success stories.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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