Tuesday 30 April 2013

Various meetings and Peregrines

On a train, on way to Oxford for the second time in a few days. Last Friday I was at the first organising meeting for the next UCISA Management conference. The last one has only just finished, and we're staring again. Trying to think of appropriate themes, and good speakers. We had some excellent ones this year so it will be a hard act to follow. Today I'm on my way to Oxford University where I am an external adviser on their IT Committee. They have a very different governance model to us, and have some major projects on the go so it will be interesting to see how I can contribute.

Yesterday I seemed to be in back to back meetings all day. These included a catch up on our Equality Objectives project, particularly looking at diversity issues in our student population, followed by the closure of the first phase of our Incident Contacts project which has been very successful. Also had our first SRDS (Staff Review and Development Scheme) planning meeting for this year, and a catch up with colleagues about our new University Digital Strategy.

Open in the background on my mac all day is the live stream for our Peregrine Falcons, George and Mildred, who are incubating their 4 eggs. They're due to hatch in the next 2 to 3 days, so there should be a flurry of activity, and I suspect some gruesome feeding and disemboweling of pigeons! We're handling the live stream ourselves now after some initial teething problems with the initial supplier, and it seems to be holding up really well.

Mildred didn't seem to like the grey paint, so pecked it off!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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