Monday 20 August 2012

Thanks for all the fish

No more blogging for a week, I'm at my annual pilgrimage of Whitby Folk Week. But just wanted to thank everyone Involved in clearing and confirmation last week. It's always a big operation, with so much depending on it, not just for our admissions, but for the thousands of young people getting their results and hoping to get a place at University.

It's a massive operation, and this year slightly more nerve wracking as we were using a new system, written for us by our colleagues in epiGenesys. This year we had contingencies in place covering everything from the call centre burning down to complete systems failure. But, everything went well. So, thanks to everyone who helped set the PCs and telephones up, looked after the back-end infrastructure and systems and monitored and helped during the days. Particular thanks to Epigenesys, the system worked fine, and it was really pleasing to see them there in the call centre, watching over how the system worked, looking for improvements and helping when there was a problem. Even using the system by working on the phones. Great work from everyone.

I've also just had a really nice thank you from our PVC as we've been one of the first Universities to submit our KIS return to HEFCE. This was a real collaborative effort from many colleagues in different departments, including CiCS.

So, thanks all round! Now back to the fish and chips and folkie stuff......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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