Monday 22 September 2008

The new students are here

Well it's certainly busy on campus - I love it when the students come back - there's a real buzz about the place. Just bigger queues to get my lunchtime sandwich. More students needing help with connecting, more asking about connecting Xboxes - this morning when I suggested to our network guys that we needed to look at how to handle consoles, it took less than 10 seconds for one of them to suggest that they needed a couple to play with, I mean test!

On line registration system seems to be working well, so that's good, and at the moment everyone seems pleased with the way things are going.

Had a good Executive Meeting this afternoon - looking at how we're going to interact with the new planning round put in place following our University restructure. First task is to pull together all of our existing strategy documents and put them in a format which will be easy to understand and digest. A major task is to identify which KPIs (key performance indicators) we are going to use and report on. Lot of debate about what metrics to use, and how and who to benchmark with. For example, is a systems up time of 99.99%, or responding to phone queries in two hours a KPI? Or is that just us doing our job?

More later!

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